Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kids Amaze (Ethan's 6th Birthday)

For a parent who has never been to any of those playgrounds for children aka "Go-Go Bambini" or any of such for that matter, I must say this Kids Amaze at the Safra Jurong is truly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

For one, the indoor playground is huge and tall! When I entered the place, my first reaction was WOW! This truly is a playground for children. There were slides and I mean SLIDES that twirl round and round. And the funny part is that, it was the adults that got the bruises. The kids were alright! It is also a workout for the parents as we had to curl and bend to get from one level to the next. But it was a fun time for both adults and children. Thanks to Dawn, I finally have a pix with Justyn that looks good! Wonder which places will be available when Justyn turns 6??? Bigger slides and taller playgrounds???

Justyn's sleeping updates

These 2 days have been a miracle for us as Justyn is sleeping well through the night. He stirs a little and I only need to feed him water and that alone can last him till morning. His last milk feed ranges between 10 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. And he will wake up about 6 a.m for his first milk feed. Praise the Lord!

I can see a little light at the end of a very dark tunnel ... I am believing that things will only get better and better!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Week of Prayer

This whole week was a "week of prayer" for me too. While the people are praying at the various locations in the mornings, I will be praying at home. Reason? For Justyn to sleep peacefully through the night!

Justyn was very cranky throughout the week. He will sleep from 1030 p.m. and will wake up at 1-2 a.m. for a feed. After which, he will try to sleep but to no avail. He will be tossing and turning on his mattress and will be crying as he is tired but unable to sleep. This process can go on from 2 to 4 a.m. and then it will start again at 5-6 plus. In his tossing and turning stupor, his eyes are actually closed but his hands are waving to and fro ... it is as if he is fighting in his dreams! I wish he can just stop moving and SLEEP!!!

Well, we will see how this goes. Look out for further updates in my blog. May the updates be positive and encouraging ones!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wheels on the Bus

Justyn is now kept entertained in his car seat by watching the "Wheels on the bus" series. His favourites will be "The Grand Duke of York" and "Itsy Winsy Spider". Personally, I enjoy humming to the tunes of these songs too! I am still a child at heart.

I managed to capture some shots of Justyn while he is watching the cartoons. He can be focus when he wants to. By the way, one of his habits is now putting his finger in his mouth and bite, as you can see from the pix below.